Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Where there's good news there's bad news...

So I have some good news! The good news is that I began working on my cover. I am using to create my magazine, which is a site that my media studies teacher recommended. So far, I love it and it is super simple to use. My magazine will be 7 pages long, with the title page, two advertisements, two pages for the table of contents, and the two-page spread. Below is what I have done with the cover thus far.
So far I think it looks really nice, and professional. I am also super happy with the masthead font because it is exactly the kind of fun, yet eloquent font I was looking for. Also pictured is the selling line, the dateline, and coverlines. I'm meeting  with Christa (my cover model) next Tuesday to gather pictures of her, but I began to take pictures last night at my dance studio, and got a beautiful photo of tween dancer Camilla Aponte doing a tilt (a leg grab with a slated body) on the barre. So if no photos of Christa work for the cover I may use that one, and include the photos of Christa elsewhere. If that is the case then, I'm going to change the main coverline to fit the picture of Camilla better, but that will not change the two page spread idea/story. The bad news is I took the photos on my mom's camera, and we kind of, sorta, possibly, maybe lost the cord to connect the camera to the computer, meaning until the new camera cord  gets here (approximately Friday), I am unable to work with the photos I have. As soon as I have it I will determine which photos look the best once uploaded and where in the magazine they belong.

Okay that's all I have for this blog! Until Next Post!- Taylor Barton

1 comment:

  1. Your writing is adorably written. I just like how warm it feels to read your work! The actual topic of your magazine drafts that I read in earlier blog posts is a serious issue, and it's wonderful that you're talking about how it affects a certain group of girls (dancers specifically).
    Regardless of all the good though, you apologize for yourself frequently. You're busy! We're all busy. Don't feel guilty about it. Just post. Research. Do work. It's all going to work out.
    A couple of sentences are followed by very similar sentences that may reiterate what has already been said which is confusing. My thoughts were "Am I reading the wrong line?"
    I wasn't sure so I'd have to track my reading steps backwards.
    Your voice can be heard in your blog posts though. That's an important part of this, in my opinion, and you have accomplished that!
