In my last post I started talking about possible cover ideas. If the pictures did not demonstrate my ideas well, what I would like to show a girl wearing a showy, provocative outfit. As I have mentioned, I would like to expand the typical target audience from the usual age range of twenty something year olds. To do so, I need to stray a bit from typical dance magazine covers. The biggest aspect I would need to change is the age and appearance of the cover model/ cover page's subject. As I mentioned previously, a dancer between the ages of 20-40 is shown on the cover, usually portrayed showing beautiful technique, or showing off a a specific dance move. I would like a more posed photo, almost like you are taking dance photos or posing in your costume. So now I had to find a girl that would work as my model.
I thought my best friend, Christa Nicole Carparni, would be perfect. Christa and I have been best friends since we were one years old, and not only do we share a middle name, but its the type of friendship I would be surprised if it did not last a life time.
(Taylor Barton on left. Christa Carpani on right.)
(Taylor Barton on left. Christa Carpani on right.)
Not only is Christa a great and acclaimed dancer, but she also has the look I am going for. Christa is 16 years old, fitting perfectly into the target audience I am looking to appeal to. Besides this, Christa is in great shape with a great dancer's body, and is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. According to two different sites, men find the same eight physical qualities attractive in all women, most of which Christa possess. Although, my magazine is not meant for men, as the creator of the magazine I would like my cover model to be considered attractive, and as the Langlois developmental psychology studied proved in 1991, babies are able to tell difference between an attractive and unattractive face within 4-6 months after birth, proving our idea of beauty and attractiveness is innate, this meaning it applies to both males and females perspective of beauty.
Due to Christa's demanding schedule I know she may not be able to model, but if that is the case I will recruit on of the girls from my dance studio or have a friend pose as a dancer in one of my previous costumes. That's all I have for this blog. Until Next Post!
-Taylor Barton
Eldvorin. "Come and Dance - Miami Pool Party - Elliot Dvorin." YouTube. YouTube, 27 July 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
Rebound. Dir. Http:// Perf. Crystal from Hitstreak. YouTube. YouTube, 15 Aug. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
Mattern, Jessica. "The 6 Physical Features Men Can't Resist, According to Science." Redbook. N.p., 18 May 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
Lee, Stephanie. "6 Physicla Traits That Men Are Drawn To (According To Science)." Slice. N.p., 21 May 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
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